What I Do

As a Licensed Mortgage Professional my job is to provide you as the client with the best mortgage solutions that fits your wants and needs. I have connections to a variety of different financial institutions that can provide different products.

As a Mortgage Agent I have access to certain financial institutions that work directly with Agents and Brokers. These are called Monoline lenders because they only deal in mortgages. This allows for the borrower to qualify at contract rate rather than contract rate +2% or 5.25%. I also have access to lenders that offer extended ratios rather than the typical 39% GDS and 44% TDS ratios. This allows for borrowers to qualify for a larger mortgage than they otherwise would.

The biggest thing that I offer compared to simply going to a bank is that I work for you. Throughout the entire process my job is to advocate for you. That is the most important factor in all of this. If there is anything you need out of a Mortgage Professional it is someone who understands your unique situation and can provide solutions.

That is what my job is all about. Not simply finding you the best rate, but the best product that fits your unique situation because every borrower is different and may not all fit into the same box.

Customer Service


I’ve had a passion for Real Estate since I can remember. I guess it started with going to open
houses when I was younger, and my father having a somewhat unhealthy obsession with HGTV. I remember seeing the budgets that people would have for buying their first homes, and wondering how that was possible; que my interest in Real Estate financing.

I had always thought I would be a lawyer, and enter the Real Estate field from there, but after
graduating from University I realized that this was not the best way to be involved with my clients during every step of their purchase. My goal is to provide excellent service, and find
mortgage solutions for all of my client’s financing needs.

With years of customer service and sales experience behind me, I decided it was time to
combine my skills and passion to help people realize their dream of home ownership.

In my free time I am a massive sports fan including Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, and Formula 1.

Andrew Arnone
Licensed Mortgage Professional
(647) - 966 - 4344

Mortgage Agent # M22001250
Rock Capital Investments Inc. #10556